Naturopathy Therapies
Our naturopathic doctors seek the best fit for each guest with tailor-made therapy programs.
With over 80 standardized naturopathic treatments, our experienced team artfully creates the winning combination that actively engages the guest in his or her health.
Achieve detoxification of the body, revitalization of the mind, and healing of the soul in the serene and sublime environs of the Healing Hub.
Revive, Rejuvenate & Begin Anew
How it acts
As per philosophy of Indian Naturopathy the human body owes its existence to Nature's five elements - Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether - a composite representation of all forces of Nature. In positive health, each of these elements is in equilibrium and well balanced. Any disturbance in this equilibrium due to any cause leads to accumulations of toxins and morbidity, which manifest in diseases. Nature-cure therapy aligns us with the self-preservative will of nature to protect and heal the body from within, by weeding out the root cause of diseases. It treats the person and strengthens the body’s immune system.
Contact us for the well-deserved retreat you have been long waiting for. Let's connect.